Jeff Ryan and Bill Chamblee, with the assistance of Jessica Eaton, successfully defended a local pain management physician and practice in a case where a patient was treated for Complex Regional Pain Disorder (CRPS), diagnosed by our client and at least three other providers. Our client administered a block procedure to treat the patient’s symptoms of CRPS. Four days later, an arterial occlusion was found in the patient’s leg, which was subsequently treated three days later with a thrombectomy procedure that broke up the initial clot. Unfortunately, the patient developed a second clot that ultimately lead to her leg being amputated at the knee. Plaintiff alleged our client failed to properly evaluate and treat the patient, providing treatment for CRPS when the patient allegedly had an arterial occlusion instead. Plaintiff alleged that this failure to evaluate and treat the patient caused her subsequent amputation.
The Plaintiff’s attorney claimed that the Plaintiff’s left leg amputation was due to the negligence of the defendant doctor. Damages claimed and asked for in front of the jury were slightly less than $10 million dollars. Plaintiff had a pain management physician to testify as to standard of care as well as a vascular surgeon testifying on causation. There was also a life care planner, vocational rehab expert and an economist. The standard of care and causation experts were out of Florida. Bill Chamblee cross examined the standard of care and causation witness and Jeff Ryan handled the damages aspect of the case.
The case was tried for a week and a half and the jury took slightly more than one hour to deliver a unanimous defense verdict.
Attorneys: Jeffrey W. Ryan; William H. Chamblee; Jessica Eaton